superb herb
We’re excited to launch our superb new Living Salad range!

The freshest salad range you’ll find! As our potted herbs, our living salads are a ‘cut as you need’ alternative to the pre packed salads, as they are fresher and last longer. Just cut and use what you need.

superb herb

In this new range you can find these amazing and fresh salads: Watercress, kale mix (PinkStem, Cavolo Nero, Vates Blue Squire, Red Monarch, Red Russian), Oriental mix (Komatsuna,Mustard, Kale, Mizuna, Mibuna, Tat-soi, Pak choi, Red Cabbage, Green Broccoli) and Italianmix (Rocket, Chicory, Broccoli Raab, Cress, Kale, Corn Salad, Endive, Italian Lettuces, Chervil,Italian Parsley).

Available at selected stores now.