
French charcuterie grazing board


French charcuterie grazing board

Serves: Time: 00:30 Skill:
  • ½  loaf of Ploughmans Bakery Olive Oil, Herbs & Garlic bread
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • 1 tsp mixed dried herbs
  • ½ tsp salt flakes 
  Platter ideas
  • Assorted  cheese
  • Chutney or relish 
  • ½  loaf of Ploughmans Bakery  Olive Oil, Herbs & Garlic bread, broken into pieces 
  • Assorted cold meat 
  • Assorted olives 
  • Caper berries
  • Capers 
  • Sun dried tomatoes
  • Artichokes 
  • Balsamic vinegar 
  • Thyme leaves 
  • Basil  leaves 
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degree celsius. Line a flat tray with baking paper. 
  2. Cut the first measure of Ploughmans bread in half. Place onto the prepared tray. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle over dried herbs and salt. 
  3. Bake in the oven for 5–10 mins until lightly golden. 
  4. To assemble the platter, arrange the cheese, relish or chutneys, Ploughmans crostini and fresh bread pieces, cold cuts, olives, caper berries, capers, sun dried tomatoes and artichokes onto a chopping board.  Pour Olivado omega oil into a bowl with a dash of balsamic vinegar and place this onto the platter. Sprinkle basil and thyme leaves over. 
  5. Your guests or family can create their favourite combinations.
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