
Dill & Beetroot Salmon Gravlax


Dill & Beetroot Salmon Gravlax

Serves: Time: 00:10 Skill:
  • Muslin Cloth
  • Cling film
  • Food weight (you can use a brick, rock, canned foods etc) 
  1. Combine grated beetroot, salt, sugar, dill, lemon juice and zest, vodka and juniper berries in a large bowl.
  2. Lay the salmon in a pan lined with muslin cloth, then cover completely with beetroot mix. Wrap in the muslin cloth then cover dish with cling film and place a food weight over the top.
  3. Place in fridge to cure for 1-3 days. Drain the liquid from the salmon once a day. The salmon should firm up and be stained a beautiful red. 
  4. To serve: Remove cling wrap, cloth and coating. Slice thinly with a sharp knife. 
  Tip: If you’re using beetroot from the garden, save the leaves for salads and stir fries. They’re packed with iron and are super delicious!
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